Monday, June 8, 2015

Sparkles and bling...

Sparkles and bling...Wow so excited to share my new Metallic Clutch.
I have been so inspired to make more colorful clutches. Look at these.

Sequins blouse from Express, White jeans(old), Metallic clutch available here

Thank you, xoxo Angie

Friday, February 27, 2015

Fashionista goes back to school..

Hello Gorgeous, thanks for stopping by...

    So did you hear the news I'm back in school, after many, many years.
I'm so excited this is my second semester back in school and I am truly enjoying it.
I truly love fashion and a few years ago I realized it's my passion.

Check out what I'm up to in my world.

This week I finished my first project. My first circle skirt, it's not perfect, but I can definitely master this baby. It was easy and will for sure make more of these.

Also check out my new planner, isn't it cute. I received for my birthday. It's black and pink and my son's dad added pictures, so every day I open it, I'm reminded of my babies..I have a lot going on so this handy planner will come into good use.

Lastly I've been sewing like crazy. I just finished these beauties. I'm working on my online store, soon these babies will be up for sale. I can't wait.

Thanks for joining me on my adventure of fashion school, stay updated as I continue blogging.
May you have a fabulous weekend. And stay fashionable...
Angie Castillo
Angie Inspires

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Goals, Dreams, Plan and Go!

Get ready set GOOOOOOOAL!

Every January New Year's resolutions begin, by Mid year we ask wait "What did I say my new Year's resolution to be"?!
We quickly forget, we loose track, and soon we are back in that slump again.....
WHY, WHY, WHY?????

Let be back track. Monday I met with a client and we began to talk about her #Goals for 2015. I explained to her that unless we map out and plan for her goals things can soon be forgotten.

For example..
Her goals
1. Loose weight and go to the gym 4 days a week
2. Go on vacation
3. Go back to school
4. Plan her birthday party, It's the big 40

Easy right? I mean all this seems so easy when we look at it, but where do we go wrong or don't continue? Planning...
 Planning, how is this important you might be asking?!
 So let me tell you, I'm going to go back to my days of a bodybuilder. In bodybuilding you always prepare. You know what you will work out, when, how, and why.
You know walking into the gym what body part you will work out.
You know when you will workout.
You know how to replenish your body
and you know why you rest...

In non-bodybuilder terms. It means as a bodybuilder, it's all about having a game plan.

You want to loose weight.
Prepare: your meals for the week, This will include snacks, lunches, dinners, etc.

Make it to the gym 4 days a week
Prepare: 4 outfits for the week. 4 shirts, 4 workout pants, 1 pair of tennis shoes, etc.

Go on vacation
Prepare: Schedule a date with Travel agent, buy suitcase, save money, etc.

Go back to school
Go online and start looking for what you want to study and who offers, schedule appointment to register, buy folders and supplies, etc.

Plan a party
Meet with party planner, or write down what is needed, schedule party date, send invites, 
Look for caterer, and decor specialist. etc.

As you see these are just examples, but for everything we must plan, prepare and follow through. It's not hard to lose weight if you plan correctly, It's not hard to go back to school. Although it can be challenging.

I found this image on Pinterest and thought it was great idea. Health and fitness tracker..I would definitely look for something like this. To keep you stay on track.

So there you have it,,,,Plan, plan, plan away!!!
Angelina Castillo
artist, designer, lover of life!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year...

Happy New Year dolls and Welcome to my Blog...

It's January 1, 2015 and I am moving forward with my New Years resolutions. Hurray!

My Best friend called me a fashionista Mexican Martha Stewart social media expert best friend. And that my friends is what I'm bringing to the blog...
So here is the deal I have to many things I love to do and why choose one subject when I can share about them all. Shish if Lauren Conrad can do it all so can I. Two different people, two different ways to influence, inspire and enhance your life. 

Boo ya!!!  What will be covered on my blog...
                Fashion ....because I love fashion,I love to dress up, I love to look trendy, I'll be sharing my own looks and looks that inspire me.                                        
                                 God & faith..
Because I realized that you can never be fully happy or full-filled with out God. Everything in my life is a gift from God.
Health & Fitness..  because I became a bodybuilder/trainer and learned that without health you can't do anything.
Flowers....because I can't imagine a world with out flowers.

     Creativity/Dreams....because I was lost for many years, bounced from job to job, only to find out how extremely creative I am. 

And maybe add some more Interest....Just maybe.
For now, let's just meet, stop by and say Hello. Tell me what you love, tell me your dreams, tell me your story. 

Till I write again, 
Angelina Castillo
artist, designer, lover of life!